Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Stira Evia - Wooden Structures Nea Stira - Maragos Evia - Kitchen Furniture Nea Stira - Wooden Frames - Wooden Railings - Floors - Stairs

Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Stira Evia - Wooden Structures Nea Stira - Maragos Evia - Kitchen Furniture Nea Stira - Wooden Frames - Wooden Railings - Floors - Stairs

20505 Visitors:
Address: Nea Stira
Area: Evia
Telephone: 2224041308
Mobile: 6972286203
P.C.: 34015
Fax: 2224041308
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The successful course of MOLASIS - WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONS began more than 50 years ago when Antonis Molassis, began constructing furniture. From 1990 until today, John Molasis, his son, continues his family tradition in the design, manufacture and creation of handmade wood products. The many years of experience, the knowledge of the market, the constant search for quality and affordable furniture and the right choice of materials, have consolidated us and given us impetus for further develop...
20505 Visitors:

Nea Stira, Evia

20505 Visitors:

The successful course of MOLASIS - WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONS began more than 50 years ago when Antonis Molassis, began constructing furniture.

From 1990 until today, John Molasis, his son, continues his family tradition in the design, manufacture and creation of handmade wood products.

The many years of experience, the knowledge of the market, the constant search for quality and affordable furniture and the right choice of materials, have consolidated us and given us impetus for further development.

Integrated solutions (for your private and professional space) including furniture, desks, chairs, libraries, warehousing solutions, special constructions and kiosks, pergolas.

Within the rich collection of designs there are suggestions for the construction of beehives.

Yours sincerely,
Molasis Giannis - Woodworking


Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Carpentry
Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Wooden constructions
Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Kitchen furniture
Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Wooden Frames
Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Wooden railings
Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Floors
Molasis Ioannis - Woodwork Nea Styra Evia Stairs
20505 Visitors:

Nea Stira

Telephone: 2224041308
Mobile: 6972286203

Working Hours
